It’s time to plan for an exciting day of traditional music and family fun in Lowell, MA. The Banjo & Fiddle Contest celebrates its 44th event on September 6, 2025 from 10:00AM to 6:00PM.
The event is free for contestants, as well as all traditional music fans who would like to come and listen. Never been to a banjo and fiddle contest before? Bring your lawn chairs and settle in to watch the friendly competition and get in touch with our country’s musical roots.
As always, contestants will be scored by two experienced judges who are highly active in the traditional music community. Guitar accompaniment will be provided upon request, and the morning will include workshops ranging from bluegrassbanjoto old time fiddle. In addition to the contest, informal jams will take place throughout the day.
There will be workshops in bluegrass banjo, old time fiddle and ethnic/bluegrass fiddle.
Jon Gersh, host of WUMB’s Dixie Bee Line radio program, will be our MC.
Registration takes place on-site.

Here is the detailed schedule for the day. All events are open to all free of charge.
10AM–11AM Workshops
11AM–12PM Organized Jam Sessions
11AM–3PM Registration
12PM–5:30*PM Banjo and Fiddle Contest
5:30*PM-6PM Judges Tally Final Scores and Prizes Awarded
* Contest will end and the judge tally will begin when the final contestant has performed.
At the Banjo & Fiddle Contest, we invite you to come celebrate musical heritage. The repertoire of tunes played during the Contest is what folklorists refer to as traditional music – music practiced by groups of people who share a common ethnic heritage, geographic region, or way of life.
Tunes are shared within families and communities and are passed on over generations.
Location: Boarding House Park, 40 French Street, Lowell.
Rain Location: Durgin Hall, University of Massachusetts Lowell College of Music, South Campus, 35 Wilder Street, Lowell, which is located 1.5 miles from Boarding House Park.
Directions are available at https://lowellsummermusic.org/pages/faqs
For More Info: Contact: info@lowellbanjoandfiddlecontest.org
We are excited to continue this tradition and hope to see you all September 7th.
Support the Banjo and Fiddle Contest!
At the Banjo & Fiddle Contest, we invite you to come celebrate musical heritage.
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