Location & Directions
Where is the Lowell Summer Music Series located?
The Lowell Summer Music Series is presented outdoors at Boarding House Park on the corner of French and John Streets in Downtown Lowell, MA. The exact address is 40 French Street, Lowell, MA 01852. Click here to view map.
Due to rain or excessive heat, some shows may move indoors. We will alert fans and ticket buyers in the event that a show will have to move indoors.
The indoor location in 2024 is Durgin Hall on the University of Massachusetts South Campus at 35 Wilder Street, Lowell 01854 which is 1.5 miles from Boarding House Park, but easy to find.
Click here to see map.
From Boarding House Park (40 French St):
- Drive north away from downtown. French Street becomes Fr. Morissette Blvd as you pass the Tsongas Arena on your right.
- Continue on Fr. Morissette Blvd as the road curves to the left and becomes Pawtucket Street near the University Ave. Bridge.
- In 0.8 miles, take a left onto Wilder Street. There is a Shell Gas Station on the corner.
- Durgin Hall is located on your right at 35 Wilder Street.
- Free parking is on your left in the large surface parking lot at Broadway and Wilder Streets.
Seating is General Admission, first come, first served, except for Premium Seats which will be reserved.
I'm driving. How do I get directions?
Where do I park?
The 1,100-car Downes Parking Garage is on the opposite corner to Boarding House Park. It is located at 75 John Street, Lowell, MA 01852. The rates are set by the City Parking Department. Directions are available HERE. There are a total of 23 handicap parking spaces which are located near the garage elevators on each floor available. They are available at regular rates.
There are also on-street parking spaces, with meters active until 6PM in June and 8PM after July 1. There is no charge for on-street handicap parking spaces.
For shows at Durgin Hall (UML Music Dept.), 35 Wilder St, a large surface parking lot is located across the street at 94 Wilder Street at Broadway Street. Parking is FREE. Directions are HERE. There are other nearby lots and a parking garage, if needed.
Free Fun For Kids shows move indoors to the Donahue Academic Arts Center at 240 Central Street. Do not park in the surface lot behind the building. Park at the Edward Early Parking Garage at 135 Middlesex Street. Directions are HERE. If you park on an upper floor, your parking ticket can be validated at the event.
How can I buy VIP parking?
A very limited number of VIP Parking spaces are available on the surface lot closest to the Boarding House Park entrance. Parking is sold in advance only and can be purchased on our website, by phone or at the box office. Go to “Buy Tickets” for the artist and VIP Parking info will appear on the ticketing page, if available. A map designating VIP Parking is located at the the bottom of the FAQ page.
If the show moves indoors to Durgin Hall at UMass Lowell, all VIP Parking purchases will be automatically refunded the following week.
There is no VIP Parking at Durgin Hall.
Is it near Transit?
Yes, Boarding House Park is 2 blocks north of the Downtown Shuttle Bus Stop at Merrimack & John Street in the heart of downtown Lowell. Buses run to and from the Lowell Regional Transit Authority’s Gallagher Transportation Terminal where MBTA Commuter Rail trains connect with Boston. Please check schedules in advance:
Lowell Regional Transit Authority website is here.
MBTA Commuter Rail website is here.
Venue Information
Does Boarding House Park have seats?
Our venue, Boarding House Park, is a public park.
At evening concerts, there are four rows of Premium Seats in front of the stage which need to be purchased in advance. We provide low beach chairs. There are 48 of these. Please see photo at the bottom of the FAQ page below for an example of this seating section.
Shows are otherwise General Admission (capacity 1800) and locations are available on a first come, first served basis.
Patrons bring blankets or low sand chairs to sit in the front half of the park or regular lawn chairs to sit in the back half. Either size chair can be used on the far left or right sides of the park. Please do not bring plastic or tarps as they kill the grass. Please keep the aisles clear, your chair should not be on the paved walkways. Guests should plan to arrive early to get the best seats, or to ensure that a large party is all seated together.
You can see a photo example of the seating at Boarding House Park at the bottom of the FAQ page.
For Free Fun For Kids shows, bring a blanket or lawn chair. Seating locations are first come, first served and there will be plenty of room.
How do I know if my chair is the appropriate height for the front area?
At evening concerts, only blankets and low sand chairs are allowed in the front half of the park. Regular lawn chairs belong in the back half of the park.
Chair heights are not measured by the size of seat backs. If the seat itself is less than one foot off the ground (not enough to fit a basketball underneath the seat), it is a low sand chair.
If it is more than one foot off the ground (enough to fit a basketball under the seat), it is a regular lawn chair. If so, that chair must be located in the “tall seat area” behind the yellow rope in the middle of the second tier of the park. Our usher staff can help you confirm if you are in the right location.
For Free Fun For Kids events, blankets and chairs are allowed anywhere in the park.
If it rains, does the show still go on?
The Lowell Summer Music is an outdoor series and it is possible you may get rained on so bring rain gear if it is forecast. We may move the show indoors when advance forecasts project prolonged rain during performance hours or if a National Weather Service Heat Emergency makes it risky for our crew to set up for the show outdoors. The outdoor/indoor call for the day is made the morning of the show before the sound equipment and instruments are set up, based on the best information available at that time. It is difficult to predict completely dry evenings for New England summers. There are occasionally wet conditions that will not force us inside. In these instances, we will hold concerts in passing showers or light rain. Please prepare accordingly with a hat or hoodie. NOTE: Umbrellas are allowed in but should not be opened in the seating area during the show as they block the view of other patrons.
EVENING CONCERTS: In 2024, indoor shows will be held at Durgin Hall (Music Dept.) on the South Campus of the University of Massachusetts at 35 Wilder Street, Lowell 01854. Directions are HERE and parking map is HERE, as well.
However, the concert by Classic Albums Live: David Bowie on Thursday, July 11th will move to Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack Street a few blocks from the park. Parking is available at 50 Davidson Street Parking Lot (148 spaces) located HERE or the Lower Locks Parking Garage, 90 Warren Street (960 spaces) located HERE. Both are a short walk to the venue.
All ticket holders will be notified by email and a message will be posted by 11AM on the day of the show on the home page of this website and on facebook with the details of any rain relocation.
Doors will open at 6:30 pm. Show time is still 7:30pm. The indoor venue provides fixed seating, so do not bring chairs. Seating is General Admission, except for Premium Seats in the first few rows, which are reserved. Food Concessions at Durgin Hall may be limited. No coolers or outside food will be allowed. Food is not allowed in the performance hall.
FREE FUN FOR KIDS: Indoor shows will be moved to the Recital Hall at the Middlesex Community College Academic Arts Center located at 240 Central Street, Lowell, MA (formerly known as The Boston & Maine Railroad Depot aka The Rialto). The Recital Hall is located on the second floor. Parking is available at The Early Garage, 135 Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA 01852. Parking validation is available at our event. Do not park in numbered spaces on the first floor which requires advance payment. Park on upper levels and bring your parking ticket to be validated. Parking directions are HERE. The Recital Hall is located HERE.
A message will be posted by 9:30AM on the day of the show on the home page of this website and on facebook with the details of any rain relocation. Extremely hot days will also force us inside to take advantage of the air conditioning. Doors will open at 10AM for preshow activities. Show time is still 11AM. Free healthy snacks and water will still be available.
Is Boarding House Park handicap accessible?
Boarding House Park is an ADA compliant handicap accessible facility.
The 1,100-car Downes Parking Garage is on the opposite corner to Boarding House Park. It is located at 75 John Street, Lowell, MA 01852. The rates are set by the City Parking Department. Directions are available HERE. There are a total of 23 handicap parking spaces which are located near the garage elevators on each floor. They are available at regular rates.
Handicap access to the park is at the corner of John and French Streets, our venue entrance and the side closest to the parking garage. From the John Street side of the Park, the walkways toward the center of the park can be accessed. Our Admissions crew will open access to the accessible route for you from the Admissions Entrance to an accessible walkway along John Street and then you will have access to ramps to the center of the park and the handicap seating area. While ticket-holding guests of handicapped persons can also sit in this area, we ask your consideration to assure that those with disabilities get first access to this area. See map below in “Is A Handicap Viewing Area Available?”
We will post signs on the steps in front of the handicap seating area as a “No Standing Zone” in the hope of not blocking this in this area. Please ask our ushers for assistance if this is still a problem.
Our indoor location at Durgin Hall is also handicap accessible with wheelchair locations paired with companion seats. There is ample surface parking just across the street.
Is there a handicap viewing area available?
Admission to the Lowell Summer Music Series is always general admission but there is a reserved viewing location for patrons with limited mobility. It is located closest to the handicap access on the middle tier of the park (second level out of three levels). Patrons must bring their own seating.
We urge patrons who do not need this area to sit elsewhere and allow wheelchair users and their guests to use it. Mobility-restricted persons are also welcome in this area, again with the smallest possible number of guests out of courtesy to others.
We will post “No Standing Zone” signs on the steps in front of this area to urge patrons to consider those who are unable to stand in the reserved area behind them.
You can find a diagram detailing the location of our handicapped seating area at the bottom of the FAQ page.
What types of payment are accepted at the venue?
The Admissions Area, Merchandise Sales and Snack Bar accept Cash, VISA, Master Card, American Express and Discover. Checks are not accepted.
Where are the restrooms?
At Boarding House Park, public restrooms are located on the ground floor of the Joseph Downes Sr. Parking Garage on the corner closest to the Park. They are maintained by the Lowell Summer Music Series. Additional restrooms will be opened at intermission accessible from the Boott Mills Courtyard
At Durgin Hall, restrooms are available on the main floor and lower level. Staff will be glad to direct you.
Ticket Information
How can I purchase concert tickets?
Advance tickets can be purchased on our website, www.lowellsummermusic.org or, if available, at the Admissions Entrance outdoors at 5:30pm or indoors at 6:30pm on show nights. We accept CASH, VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
Note: When purchasing online, you will get an immediate receipt from Etix for your online purchase, but your tickets (with individual bar codes) will be emailed to you four days before the concert. This avoids loss of tickets and scalping.
Tickets can also be purchased at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium Box Office, 50 East Merrimack Street, without ticket fees. Regular Hours are: Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM. We also take phone inquiries at 800-657-8774. Ticket questions can also be sent to boxoffice@spectaclelive.com.
BEWARE OF OTHER TICKET SOURCES! LowellSummerMusic.org is the only official webpage to purchase tickets for our events. You pay substantially more if you purchase on any other website. Don’t google; just type in LowellSummerMusic.org.
How do the premium seats work?
A limited number of Premium Seating tickets are available at each show. For an additional $50 to $100 above the ticket price (depending on the show), concert goers will have a reserved space in the first four rows, all of which are within 15 feet of the stage. We will provide a low sand chair for your use that evening. This will all be taken care of in advance by concert staff, no need to arrive early! When purchasing, you can select your numbered seat location from those available on the Seating Map on the ticket purchase page.
If a show moves indoors due to bad weather, your seat will be in the first few rows of the indoor location at Durgin Hall.
Your premium fee will support this nonprofit series!
Can I use my smartphone to present a ticket?
Yes, our ticket scanners can scan your ticket barcode from your smart phone. Please present the original ticket email. Screenshots of tickets are usually difficult to scan.
How can I transfer my tickets to a friend?
When you buy multiple tickets online, you will get multiple bar codes. You can provide a ticket with a bar code to a friend by printing out the ticket or forwarding the ticket via email.
Note that while you will get an immediate receipt for your online purchase, your tickets will be e-mailed to you four days before the concert. This avoids loss of tickets and scalping.
What is your refund policy
All sales are final. No refunds unless a show is cancelled, in which case ticket buyers will be informed asap and refunds will be processed.
Do children need a ticket for evening concerts?
All shows are open to persons of all ages. Children age 12 or under can attend most shows free of charge courtesy of Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union as long as accompanied by a ticketed adult. No advance ticket is required for the child to be admitted at the Admissions Entrance. Look at the show details on the website, as kids require a ticket for indoor shows this year.
In 2024, tickets will be required for all ages at the “Let’s Sing Taylor” concert on Saturday, September 14th.
Are tickets required for children's shows?
No. The Free Fun For Kids events are just that: free of charge thanks to our sponsors.
Events begin at 10am with free art activities, free healthy snacks and a free children’s book.
The stage show is presented at 11am. Show lineup and dates can be found on our FREE FUN FOR KIDS page
Stage shows last less than one hour.
Free healthy lunches will be provided to children ages 2 through 18 courtesy of the Lowell Public Schools Nutrition Program.
Trolley rides will NOT be available.
Day Of Show Information
When does the show actually start?
Our Evening Concerts begin as promptly as possible at the time listed on your ticket and on the purchase page of the website, usually at 7:30pm, whether in the park or indoors [DELETE: at Durgin Hall]. Some concerts will have two sets by the headliner and some will have opening acts. Intermissions will last 20 to 30 minutes.
Free Fun For Kids shows start with free art activities, free healthy snacks, free lunches and free books at 10:00am and the free stage show is presented at 11:00am.
The Angkor Dance Troupe show on Sunday, August 25, 2024 starts at 6pm and will be rain or shine.
The 43rd Annual Banjo & Fiddle Contest on Saturday, September 7, 2024 is an all-day event with 10am workshops, 11am jam sessions, noon-6pm contest.
What time should I get there for a good spot to see the show?
We like to think that there is not a bad spot in the house at Boarding House Park. For the best view and widest option for seating locations at our evening concerts, you should plan to arrive around 5:30PM for a 7:30PM show. There is generally plenty of room at our morning children’s shows, so you can arrive any time prior to the 11:00AM show time and find a great spot.
The venue is a public park owned by the National Park Service and is open all day to provide access to adjacent NPS attractions at the Boott Mills Museum and the Mill Girls & Immigrants Exhibits at the Mogan Cultural Center (boardinghouse). For that reason, some patrons do come down to the park and leave their chairs or blankets earlier in the day. Items are not allowed to be left in the park overnight. You may place your chairs or blankets down at 7:00 AM on the day of the show. Prior to that time, a line will form on the John Street sidewalk near the lowest level walkway at the park. Any chairs or blankets that are on the venue property prior to 7:00 AM will be removed by park staff and placed near the boarding house. There will be plenty of signage about the policy and the starting point of the line at the park. Any items left are at your own risk. Park staff do not monitor items left early in the day.
If the show moves indoors to Durgin Hall, doors will open at 6:30pm for the 7:30pm show.
Why is reserving a space allowed early in the day?
Boarding House Park is a National Park Service facility. The NPS requires the park to be open all day long for easy passage of park visitors between the Boott Cotton Mills Museum and the Boardinghouse (known as the Mogan Cultural Center) which houses exhibits on the mill girl and immigrant stories. Ticketing is required as of 5:30PM for the concerts.
If the show moves indoors to Durgin Hall, doors will open at 6:30pm for the 7:30pm show.
Why will reserved space only be allowed as of 7AM?
The National Park Service owns Boarding House Park. NPS Maintenance Division provides for early morning irrigation and it is necessary to keep items off the grass for a short period after that; hence the 7am admissions time. The park is now over 30 years old and the NPS has done an excellent job of maintaining the turf. Please help us keep it in good shape for everyone’s enjoyment.
If shows move indoors to Durgin Hall, doors open at 6:30pm for 7:30pm concerts. There will be no public access to the concert hall earlier in the day.
Can I dance at the Lowell Summer Music Series?
YES! You are here to have fun! This is a general admission venue and you are welcome to stand and dance at your chair or on your blanket. We do need to always keep the stairs and the aisles clear. Many dancers prefer to move to the sides of the park so as not to block the people seated behind them.
We anticipate our upbeat rock shows to be events with many happy grooving people. If you want to stay seated for these shows, we suggest you bring a full sized chair and sit toward the rear of the park where you will more easily see over the standing/dancing crowd.
Notwithstanding the above, our best advice is to always be considerate of those around you.
Is artist merchandise available?
Watch for our Merchandise Sales location selling performer merchandise as well as blankets, chairs, earplugs, bug repellent, LSMS hats, LSMS t-shirts, and other venue items.
Please note that Performer Merchandise supplies, variety and pricing are determined by the artists. There will be no merchandise available at some shows.
All items can be purchased with your Master Card, Visa, Discover or American Express in addition to cash. Checks are not accepted.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of artist merchandise supports the Lowell Summer Music Series.
What can I bring with me?
What can I bring into the venue?
For shows at Boarding House Park, you should bring a blanket, low sand chair or regular lawn chair, depending on your seating preference.
One soft sided bag is allowed per person (16” h, 16” w, 8” d). You can bring in food and drinks, but not alcohol.
The indoor venues (Durgin Hall for concerts; Donahue Academic Arts Center for kids shows) have fixed seating so please do not bring your chairs or blankets. Food and beverages may NOT be brought to the indoor venues.
What is NOT allowed into our venues?
You should NOT bring:
-Hard sided coolers
-Glass containers or Thermoses
-Tables, hammocks, tents, or beach umbrellas
-Tarps or plastic (they damage the grass)
-Any dangerous, distracting or destructive items including but not limited to the items listed below may be prohibited at the discretion of law enforcement / security officials:
-No weapons of any kind
-No illegal drugs, illicit substances or drug paraphernalia
-No flags, banners, drones, fireworks, laser pointers, air-horns or noise-making devices, flyers/handbills, stickers, or other dangerous, distracting or destructive items.
These restrictions apply to our indoor locations, as well.
Use your best judgment, but if it’s questionable, email us at hello@lowellsummermusic.org for guidance.
Are outside food & beverages allowed?
At Boarding House Park, patrons are allowed to bring in outside food or beverages, except alcohol. For security reasons, all bags and coolers are searched. No hard-sided coolers and no glass or thermoses are allowed.
The Snack Bar Tent at Boarding House Park provides prepackaged sweet and salty snacks, water and soft drinks, pizza and ice cream bars. Proceeds benefit the nonprofit Lowell Summer Music Series.
At Durgin Hall, outside food and beverages are NOT allowed and will not be allowed into the concert hall. Due to the short notice to go indoors on a show date, food and drink concessions may or may not be open.
The Lowell Summer Music Series urges patrons to support Downtown Lowell Restaurants by dining downtown before or after the show!
At Free Fun For Kids events, everyone is welcome to enjoy the free healthy snacks provided by our sponsors. Outside food and drinks (no alcohol) are also welcome.
What food and drinks are available there?
Consider arriving early to our Evening Concerts, where you can pick a location in the park and then enjoy takeout or a dining experience at a restaurant in downtown Lowell before the show.
There will be a Snack Tent at Boarding House Park. Prepackaged sweet and salty snacks will be available along with water, soft drinks and ice cream bars.
If shows move to Durgin Hall at UMass Lowell, food is not allowed to be consumed in the concert hall. Limited items may be available from UML's concessionaire Aramark for consumption in the lobby or outdoors.
At Children’s Shows, free healthy snacks and drinks will be available free to all, whether the event is indoors or outdoors.
Will my bags be searched?
Yes. For the safety of all patrons, every attendee is subject to a bag search at Boarding House Park and at Durgin Hall at UMass Lowell.
Attendees are asked to bring as few items as possible to streamline the security screening process and minimize close interactions upon entry.
Can I bring alcohol?
Boarding House Park is federal property owned by the National Park Service and alcohol sales and consumption are prohibited.
However, there are a number of restaurants and bars within a few blocks of the venue for pre- or post-show consumption.
At Durgin Hall, patrons are not allowed to bring in food or drinks or consume them in the concert hall.
Can I smoke?
Boarding House Park is federal property and no smoking is allowed in the park. Patrons may go to the sidewalk or street at the back of the venue to smoke, however.
There is no smoking in Durgin Hall at UMass Lowell's South Campus.
Can I bring my pet?
No. Patrons at our evening concerts and children’s shows sit in the grass, so animals are generally not allowed at Boarding House Park.
Dogs trained as Service Animals under the Americans With Disabilities Act are allowed.
Emotional support animals are not Service Animals and are not allowed. More details can be found at this website: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/about-service-and-assistance-animals
Is photography, video or audio taping allowed?
Videotaping: No videotaping is allowed.
Photography: In general, most performers allow cell phone or amateur photos to be taken, but prohibit flash photography while they are performing. A flash is generally not required anyway due to the brightness of our stage lights, so you are urged to turn off your flash when taking pictures of the performers so as not to disrupt their performance. Professional cameras are generally not allowed without a photo pass from the artist and are often limited to the first three songs.
Audiotaping: Audiotaping is generally not allowed, except at a limited number of shows where permitted by the artist. When permitted, mics and mic stands are only permitted adjacent to the sound board near the middle rear of the park.
Cameras are welcome at our Free Fun For Kids events.
Additional Q&A's
I have a blog and want to cover the show, can I get a press pass?
We do not issue press passes or photo passes for concert performances. All press inquiries should be directed to the band’s publicist, management or label. Unfortunately, we are not authorized to give out that information.
Cameras are welcome at our Free Fun For Kids events.
Can you suggest a hotel?
Hotel options can be found at the Greater Merrimack Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau website: https://merrimackvalley.org/where-to-stay/
Are there other activities for the visitors to Lowell?
Yes! The venue is located within the Lowell National Historical Park and the Downtown Lowell Historic District.
Get Lowell National Historical Park tour info here: https://www.nps.gov/lowe/index.htm
Check out museum and restaurant options at the Greater Merrimack Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau website: https://merrimackvalley.org/see-and-do/
The City of Lowell visitor information is at https://www.likelowell.com/
More information can be found on our Visit Lowell page:
Who should I contact about show booking?
Contact our talent buyer at booking@lowellsummermusic.org
Do you host other special events at boarding house park?
Yes! It is one of the four stage locations at the Lowell Folk Festival which is held the last full weekend in July each year.
Other Lowell National Historical Park events are also scheduled here periodically. Park events can be found HERE.
I left/lost a personal item at Boarding House Park, do you have a lost & found?
We do have a lost & found. Please send an email HERE or call 978-335-9123 (cell) on show nights to see if your item was found and coordinate a time to pick it up.
The Series is not responsible for items left in the park. Any losses are at the owner’s risk.
You didn't answer my question!
If you need more info please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Please send an email to hello@lowellsummermusic.org. We will do our best to get back to you in a timely fashion.

Example of patron seating with appropriate low-to-the-ground seating for our front sections.

Example of our Premium Seating section in front of the stage.